By default, all scorecard items are weighted equally, but you can edit this for every scorecard item. In this example, "Improve Profitability" and "Reduce Sales Overhead Costs" each make up 50% of their parent's score.
When you click this 50%, an Edit Weight dialog opens. As you can see, although weights are displayed as percentages in Spider Impact, they're edited as relative numbers. Each of these objectives have a weight of 1.
If we wanted "Improve Profitability" to be weighted twice as much, we give it a weight of 2. The percentages automatically adjust.
By using relative weighting, Spider Impact makes it easy to quickly adjust weights without requiring everything to add up to 100%. More importantly, however, when scorecard items are added or removed, their siblings' percentage weights automatically adjust.
Changing weights over time
You can also set up scorecard item weights that change over time. To do this, click the Edit button for one of the item’s date ranges.
This opens a second-level dialog where you can see how that item’s weighting changes over time. At first this item doesn’t have any weight changes, and it has a single range of 2 for all time.
If you click Add Weight Change, it adds a new date range. Now we’ve set up with scorecard item to have a weight of 2 until July 12th, and a weight of 7 after that.
When we close that second-level dialog, we now we a 2 icon next to the Customer scorecard item indicating that it has two date ranges. We also see that the Edit Weight dialog has a calendar period in the upper right corner, indicating that the weights we see are for January 2020.
If we close the weighting dialog, change the calendar period to August 2020, and reopen the dialog, we now see different weightings for the scorecard items.
This affects weighting everywhere in the software. For example, here’s a report that shows weighting in June 2020...
... with different results than the same report for July 2020.