Users are created and managed on the Admin > Users screen.
Adding Users
You can add a new user using the + button.
You can then enter a username, email address, first and last name, and password. You have the option of whether or not the user must change their password on initial login, and can assign the user as a member or admin of a group.
Importing Users
Rather than manually adding users one at a time, administrators can import multiple users at a time via spreadsheet. To start, just click on the "Import" button.
This brings up a dialog where you can upload your spreadsheet. It also has instructions on data format and an example file to download. You can build up a list of users to include their username, email address, first and last name, and password (the middle name, group_key, and title columns are optional). Once the file has been developed, you can import the users using the Browse button.
Before you run the import, you can preview your data and you will be alerted to any invalid fields. For existing users, specifying a password will reset it and force them to change it on their next login.
Searching Specific User Fields
Administrators can now choose which fields to search against when editing users. It defaults to Everything to match the previous functionality.
User permissions are defined within groups.