This article covers how to choose and edit the KPI scoring types that are available in Spider Impact. For information about actually using these KPI scoring types, see the Using KPI Scoring Types article. For information on changing how scores are displayed, see the App Administration: Scoring article.
Choosing Standard Scoring Types
The Scoring Types page in the Administration section allows you to choose which scoring types are available for both KPIs and non-KPIs. This allows system administrators to show fewer scoring type options to users. You can order scoring types via drag and drop, and you can add new scoring types by clicking the “Add Scoring Type” button.
Here we’re adding the standard “4 Color Scored Middle” scoring type, and when we select it, we can see a preview of that scoring type’s thresholds and scores.
Custom Number Scoring Types
You can add custom scoring types to match any unconventional colors or thresholds you may have in your organization. Custom Number scoring types allow you to choose the number of thresholds, what they’re called, what their scores are, and the colors between them.
Here we’ve added a fourth threshold and are choosing to make the KPI blue whenever the score is more than 9.
You can also create Stabilize Number custom scoring types. They’re the same as Number custom scoring types except the highest score is in the middle.
Custom Text Scoring Types
You can create custom text scoring types where you create a predefined list of text KPI values that a user can choose from. In this example we’ve chosen Unscored Text with the following options:
- Failed
- Meets Expectations
- Exceeds Expectations
When you choose Scored Text each KPI value also has a color and a score.