Datasets are mostly about visualizing and exploring aggregated data. For users with the correct permissions, however, it can also be helpful to view the details of individual records. That’s what’s covered in this section.
There are also special circumstances when you’ll want to override dataset values that you’ve imported, or create entirely new records that don’t exist in your data source. It’s almost always better to change the data at the source, so overriding values in Impact should only be used when that’s not possible.
The Records tab
On the Datasets Explore tab, we’ve applied an “Age is less than 18” filter and there are 331 matching results.
With the correct permissions, I can click to the Records tab to see the raw data.
Editing record values
By default, records’ values can’t be changed in datasets. When editing a field, however, you can allow values to be overridden, either on the Datasets Records tab or with a form.
When one or more fields are editable and you have the correct permissions, you can click on a record on the Records tab.
This shows a dialog where you can override record values. Datasets will remember the values you enter, even after new data is imported into your dataset.
Note that you can only make a field editable when you have a primary key defined for your dataset. That’s because the software needs to be able to uniquely identify the record that is being changed so that the same change will be made after you import data again later.
Adding new records
When editing a dataset, you can allow entirely new records to be added.
When enabled, there is an Add button on the Records tab.
Just like editing records, added records will be preserved even after future data is imported into the dataset.